Hot! Global Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge by CAST-USA 隆重举办2025《全球青少年科技创新挑战大赛》Poster
About:The CAST-YEC (CAST Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge) is one of the flagship programs of CAST-USA Education. It's aim is to promote STEM interdisciplinary education, innovation, collaboration, and communication skills among youth through creating and building technology projects and products. The top 10 finalists will be invited to the awardceremony at the Global innovation Summit & CAST-USA Annual Convention in October 2025.
Structure:There are two regional contests held in the US and China respectively. The contestants of each region will fall under each of the two groups. The top 10 candidates of each region will attend the final contest. 1. Group 1: School students between grades 7th to 12th in the US or equivalent elsewhere. 2. Group 2: Undergraduates, graduates, or PhD students currently attending universities.
Fees: 1. Application Per Team: USD$60 2. Life-time Membership: complimentary (either parents or candidates are lift-time members)
Language: English or Mandarin (English is preferred)
1. 2/28/2025: Complete applications and payments online (refer to "How to Apply" section below) 2. 3/31/2025: Submit materials including product's slides (ppt) and video via [email protected] 3. 4/15/2025: 1st round of regional contest with 5 minutes presentation and 3 minutes Q&A virtually 4. 5/15/2025: Regional final contest virtually 5. 6/15/2025: Global final contest virtually
Scoring Criteria:
The completing project will be judged from the following aspects and has the potential to solve the real-world problems. 1. Innovative 25%
2. Practicality 25%
3. Economic Value 25%
4. Presentation 25%
Awards: (for each group)
1. Gold Medal x 1
2. Silver Medal x 2
3. Bronze Medal x 7
4. Certificate of Excellence x 10
Benefits: 1. The contestants will be honorarily announced at the CAST-USA Annual Convention and listed in the program booklet 2. Showcase the contestants' talents at the national and international stage 3. Become a member of the most prestigious Chinese professional organization 4. Interact with the internationally recognized world class scientists and entrepreneurs 5. Be inspired by others with innovative and creative young minds 6. Help on college admission and career advancements
How to Apply: (3 steps) 1 Register: Fill out the application form below & click on "Submit" button 2 Payment: Select a payment type below and click on "Add to Cart" to pay (complementary for candidates whose parents are life-time members of CAST-USA) 3 Submission: Email the applicant's photo, project description, presentation ppt slides, and 2 minutes presentation video, and parent's life-time membership cardto [email protected]
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in the CAST-YEC Contest 2025. Please ensure to complete the payment step in the lower portion of this page by 2/28/2025 to be eligible for the program. Should you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. Check back often for further updates.