CAST-USA Cloud Run 2022

About: The CAST-USA CRun (Cloud Run Competition) is a team oriented rally on cloud utilizing a modern Metaverse tracking and scoring system. The winners will be presented with awards at the 30th CAST-USA Annual Convention. An introductory  and Q&A session will be provided at the upcoming Seminar on Aug 5th.  
: CAST-USA members, families, relatives, and friends are all cordially invited
Route: from NYC to LA.

Key Timelines
    1. 7/18 - 8/7: Fill in the application form below and register  
    2. 8/20 - 9/10: Run for team success
    3. 10/14 - 15: Attend the award ceremony at the 30th CAST-USA Annual Convention. 

Contact: Dr Liqiang Tao, Chair, [email protected]
时间美东8/20 早八点开始,跑完 from NYC to LA 总距离为结束。(预计两周左右)
注册每位参赛者需在8月7号前网上注册。个人 Unique ID 将于分组后,同时发放。
   1. 北京,天津 (包括河北、内蒙)

   2. 陕西、甘肃 (包括西北五省及山西)

   3. 江苏 

   4. 安徽、河南

   5. 湖南、湖北

   6. 四川、重庆 (包括贵州、云南

   7. 江西、福建

   8. 上海、浙江

   9. 广东 (包括广西、港澳台

   10. 山东、辽宁 (包括东三省)

CAST-USA Cloud Run Registered!

Dear Friend, Thank you for your interest in the CAST-USA CRun Competition 2022. Please ensure to register by NY Time 11:59pm on 8/7/2022 to be enrolled in the competition. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any question. Yours Sincerely. CAST-USA CRun Committee [email protected]